
As a child of one of the most beautiful lands in Italy, David Brogi absorbs the colours and scents of Tuscany, finding his own expressive strength in the land.
Matter, soul, life. Water aggregates infinite mineral particles, giving life to an extremely mouldable, deformable, malleable matter. Clay evolves into its essential nature in the artist’s hands. The soul explodes. In a delicately similar way, David Brogi's sea explodes through his colours. Surreal notes and intense nuances linked to twilight, conveying a pungent thought carrying the smell of the sea therein.
“I experience the sea and the colours it represents as an incomparable positive thought.”
An eclectic and multifaceted artist, David Brogi's work ranges from painting to sculpture, also passing through theatrical performances.
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An eclectic and multifaceted artist, David Brogi's work ranges from painting to sculpture, also passing through theatrical performances.
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